Sundays a bust and the work week begins...

Well leaving in Florida can be challenging at this time of the year with the weather.  Sunday morning was one of those days, do we head out and run and try to beat the rain or workout at home.  Well it looked like it would clear so we headed to Safety Harbor and started running towards John Chestnut Park and as I was getting into my grove, it started to drizzle and a fellow runner that we know well was on there way home came to get us.  So home we went and we decided to at least get some cross training done because I didn't want to waste the day and not complete any work out at all......  So out came the Dvd's and we completed a cardio workout with Real Appeal and also a kettle ball workout with Jillian Michael's, at least I got my sweat on.....  Monday and Tuesday at lunch I went to my Apativ app and completed A Stair-climber and Elliptical workout, and also core workout.  I really am getting good at those planks and my core.  I know from all the reading I have been doing that a good strong core is important...... So I am putting some time and training into my workout daily....  Striving to be physically and mental healthy.  Loving that it is running season, September 10 is the Hooters to Hooters 10k, so I am focusing on this.  Until next time stay cool, and get out there and do something, even just a walk around the corner.....  


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