It Feels like it has been forever.

I feel like I have been neglecting my blog, and well that is officially over tonight, I am back at it, from now until February and beyond. Since my last post I have dived deep into Camp Gladiator and loving it, I have definitely gained the extra strength through these boot camp classes and reaching my all around goals in running and fitness. Since my last blog, we ran the East Lake Fire Rescue 5k, I love this event it is definitely a community race, with lots of kids and parents and firefighters out there for a good cause. I ran a good first 2 miles and lost some gas in the 3rd mile, I need to figure out what is going on there, but I and always making changes and my run better. My mom who ran with me as always came in 2nd on her age group and I keep climbing in my age bracket. I never really done this to place but maybe one day top 10 will be in my sites.. This past weekend I kind of slipped on the running, but I will be back at it this week and weekend...